My best friend, Amazon

I mentioned that I read during night feedings. There is a very important reason why, other than to keep me awake. That reason being that if I don't have something else to do... I tend to buy things.

Things I have ordered in the middle of the night since the tiny human was born:

- Capri pants
- Harem shorts
- Printer ink (twice)
- Diapers
- A sun hat for baby
- Flea meds for the dog (twice)
- Toilet paper
- Wipes
- A baby scale
- Baby clothes
- Baby bows
- My third pair of Teva sandals
- Mother's milk tea
- Fenugreek drink packets
- 9 dresses (returned 7)
- Diaper pail
- 2 v-neck shirts
- Toilet wands
- Singing car mirror
- Carseat toy
- Baby headphones
- Baby swim suit
- Baby sunglasses
- Dog collar
- Taggy blankets
- Bibs
- Fleecy footie pajamas
- Mobile
- Stamps
- Refills for diaper pail
- Baby swimming pool
- 6 types of swaddles (returned 4)
- 4 kinds of teething toys
- Matching bows for tiny human and me
- A oven mitt that looks like a lobster claw
- A manatee shaped tea diffuser
- Gripe water

All this to say? Amazon keeps me very good company when the babe wants to be up at night. Maybe a little too good of company, really...

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