It is my job to be a little crazy

I hate those commercials.
I am a first time mom, and as such I reserve the right to be over prepared. And a little crazy. And to hide in my house with my newborn during cold and flu season. And I am definitely not going to apologize.
I think every mom has a different comfort level when it comes to stuff like that. Germs and going places and other kids and what is ok and not ok to have happen around baby. And I also don't really think there is a statute of limitations on how long we get a pass to feel that way. We're the mamas, I think we get to feel that way until we stop feeling that way. Which apparently will happen with the birth of kid 2, but maybe not.

Several people outside the family specifically asked me if they could come, and I had to say 'yes but your kids can't,' which was predictably awkward. But they were all kind about it, and I didn't have to sit around fretting if one of the sweet kids that had been in the house could possibly have sprayed their adorable snot all over the room when they sneezed. And I don't feel bad about it.
We took the tiny human to family Easter, and when the kids photo happened, I wasn't comfortable with her participating. Because she wasn't 8 weeks old yet and didn't have any of her shots. I said no. We took a photo of her next to her closest in age cousin instead. And I don't feel bad about it.
Even recently, when the tiny human is nearly 5 months old, I opted out of visiting someone because they were sick with something non-contagious. When the husband asked me how I felt about it, I said:
"I'm her mom. It's my job to be a little crazy."
And I don't feel bad about it.
And no matter what your stance is, if you were ready to head out to Target with your 2 week old, or still wanting to hide in the height of sick season with your 3 month old, you shouldn't feel bad about it.
Because you're the mom. And it's your job to be a little crazy.