The Beauty in Being

The plague paid our home a visit a couple of weeks ago. The tiny human caught it, wrestled with it for 4 days, and just as she was slowly getting better, I took a turn. Pretty sure she handled it better than I did. We have been in survival mode for weeks now. Only in the last couple of days have things felt manageable, never mind normal. I had forgotten what it felt like to just be. To just be still, just be quiet, just be happy. To just play, without hunting for the thermometer, or sit instead of searching for what sort of medicine you can take while breastfeeding. Today we have just been. We have played all day, rolling on the floor, sitting on the porch, snuggling on the couch. It feels like walking out of a room that was much too loud, only you didn't realize it. You step outside into the quiet, and suddenly you feel a peace you didn't know you were missing. The absence of the static makes the stillness so much sweeter. Don't get me wrong, I would really prefer ...